Sometimes, students write their dissertation in a hurry to complete it before the deadline. In the hurry to finish the dissertation, most students tend to make a lot of silly grammar and spelling mistakes. In order to avoid these mistakes and make sure that you submit a flawless dissertation, proofreading is of utmost importance. While proofreading can be a tough job for first timers, it is quite simple and easy to manage if you do it the right way. In case you are nearing the deadline and don’t have enough time to dedicate to proofreading, read the following tips to proofread in a short period of time:
Complete the writing and editing, and then start – The best way to avoid wastage of time in proofreading is to finish writing the entire dissertation, edit it carefully and then start with proofreading. You can read more tips on writing thesis effectively in many online resources.
Get a printout – Even though technology has taken over, it is advised to get a hard copy of your dissertation to be able to proofread smartly.
Read slowly, read every word – It is important to read each and every word carefully to get proofreading right. The best way to do this is to read each and every word in a systematic manner without having to re-read it again.
Remove all distractions – if you want to proofread your dissertation in a short span of time, it is important to remove all distractions like the internet, phones, etc. Isolate yourself from the world and just focus on your dissertation to be able to proofread without any hassles.
Circle each punctuation – Each punctuation mark that you see must be circled. This will force you to look at them and ensure that you have used the right punctuations.
If you proofread your work without panic and stress, you can surely do it properly in a short time and submit a flawless dissertation.
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